DOWNLOAD HERE: CSARulesBylaws 2020
Player Expectations:
1. Sportsmanship and Respect:
- Players must show respect towards coaches, referees, teammates, opponents, and spectators at all times.
- Good sportsmanship should be displayed, regardless of the match’s outcome.
2. Teamwork and Participation:
- Collaboration with teammates is essential; players should work together and support each other.
- Active participation in practices and matches is expected.
3. Playing by the Rules:
- Understanding and adhering to the rules of soccer is mandatory.
- Players should strive to play fairly and avoid unsportsmanlike conduct, such as arguing with referees or intentionally fouling opponents.
4. Communication:
- Players are encouraged to communicate positively with teammates and coaches.
- Concerns or issues should be respectfully communicated to coaches or assistant coaches.
5. Attendance and Punctuality:
- Regular attendance at practices and games is expected.
- Players should arrive on time and be prepared with the necessary equipment.
6. Commitment to Improvement:
- Players should demonstrate a commitment to personal and team improvement.
- Constructive feedback from coaches should be accepted and utilized for development.
7. Substance Policy:
- The use of illegal substances, alcohol, and tobacco is strictly prohibited.
- Players must adhere to healthy lifestyle choices that promote their well-being and performance.
8. Consequences of Non-Compliance:
- Minor infractions may result in warnings or temporary suspension from games or practices.
- Repeated or serious violations may lead to longer suspensions or expulsion from the team.
- In cases of severe misconduct (e.g., violence, bullying), immediate dismissal from the team may occur.
9. Conflict Resolution:
- Conflicts among players or between players and coaches should be resolved through peaceful and respectful dialogue.
- Coaches and team leaders will facilitate conflict resolution as needed.
10. Role as Ambassadors:
- Players represent their team and community; therefore, they are expected to conduct themselves with integrity both on and off the field.
- Behavior that damages the reputation of the team or league will not be tolerated.
Parents Expectations:
1. Respect and Positive Reinforcement:
- Parents are expected to show respect towards referees, coaches, players, and other spectators at all times.
- Encourage players positively; avoid criticism and negative remarks.
2. Role of the Spectator:
- Understand that the primary role of a parent is to be a supportive spectator.
- Let coaches do the coaching; refrain from giving instructions to players during the match.
3. Sportsmanship:
- Demonstrate good sportsmanship, both in victory and defeat.
- Acknowledge good plays made by both your child’s team and the opposing team.
4. Communication Guidelines:
- Address concerns with coaches at appropriate times, not during or immediately after games (also known as the 24 hour rule).
- Refrain from engaging in any form of verbal hostility towards anyone at the event.
5. Sideline Behavior:
- Stay off the field of play and remain behind designated spectator lines or seating areas.
- Avoid interfering with the coach or team on the sideline.
6. Compliance with Rules:
- Abide by the Coventry Soccer Association’s rules and policies, including those related to spectator behavior.
- Understand that failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in being asked to leave the field.
7. Encouraging Enjoyment and Development:
- Focus on the children’s enjoyment and development in soccer rather than on winning or losing.
- Encourage children to play by the rules and resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.
8. Alcohol and Substance Policy:
- Alcohol, tobacco, and illegal substances are prohibited at youth soccer events.
- Intoxicated or impaired behavior will not be tolerated.
9. Responsibility for Enforcement:
- Coaches, referees, and league officials have the authority to enforce this policy.
- Parents are encouraged to hold each other accountable to maintain a positive environment.
10. Consequences of Non-Compliance:
- Non-compliance with these expectations may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to verbal warnings, written warnings, suspension from attending matches, or permanent expulsion from Coventry Soccer Association.