Fall Recreational Soccer registration is closed
CSA Calendar
Latest Coventry Soccer News
May 18th CSA Revs night
Golf Tournament
News from the President
Looking for CSA Merch?
Take a look at the massive assortment of Men’s, Women’s, Kids, athletic, or Casual Coventry Soccer Association attire on our Squad Locker store or at our fields on Game Days!
All proceeds support our youth soccer programs
Even more easy ways to support Coventry Soccer
You can now use smile.amazon.com to support CSA. While using amazon select Coventry Soccer Association as your Charity Each time you purchase from Amazon donates back to CSA
CSA On Social Media
Find CSA Fields
Fish Hill Soccer Complex
130 Fish Hill Road
Coventry RI, 02816
Supported by our amazing sponsors
Coventry Soccer Association is supported by these amazing sponsors. If you are interested in sponsoring in the upcoming sessions contact us here